Calorie restriction lends higher ketosis
After reading a great scientific article...I must summarize the findings:
- After observing children on 3:1 and 4:1 ketogenic ratios of fat to combine carbs and protein, it was found that there was little difference in ketone levels. However, in some patients greater seizure control was found with the higher ratio. The 4:1 ratio is less torerable, and therefore after medications were dropped (about 3 months into the ketogenic diet (KD)) the patients switched to the 3:1 ratio. Most patients did not experience any change in seizure frequency upon switching to the lower ratio. It is suggested that ketone level is not as important as originally thought.
- Although there have not been any human studies to date (2007), greater seizure control was found in rats that had a 80-90% daily calorie intake restriction. It has been known since the 1920's that fasting induces an antiepileptic effect. The mechanism is different than simply KD - more glutamate is converted to GABA resulting in less excitation! Patients that do lose weight on KD tend to have greater seizure reduction or seizure FREEDOM.
- A significantly higher number of children experienced seizure reduction with an intake of 10 grams of carbs or less per day than a group of children with an intake closer to 20 grams of carbs per day. After seizure control, some children in the 10 gram per day group switched to 20 grams per day with no change in seizure control.